Minnie 发表于 2009-5-28 12:18:43

《Laughing Gor之變節》女主角謎團之5個提示@@Laughing兵團

28.05 - 女主角謎團之5個提示2009.05.28 @
今日真係做到傻左… 但係呢一單新聞都算係自己同埋外間十分期待o既所以幾辛苦到要為大家報導一下。加上實在困擾左我地好耐所以都希望快d有個了結。
今日我心口一個勇字捉住樂小姐追問女主角呢件事… 最後終於答應我地o係呢度俾d提示:
謎團提示 #1:
女主角真係未決定到﹐ 而家重會見一班被short-list左既演員.. 但係會o係未來7-14日決定。
謎團提示 #2﹕
Short-list o既演員的確係選美出身 (Laughing Gor之前都講過呢一點) 。
謎團提示 #3﹕
Short-list內其中三個係一線花旦﹐ 三個係華姐。
謎團提示 #4:
花旦 (排名不分先後)

廖碧兒 - 最近進軍Hollywood參演電影King of Fighters
徐子珊 - 已經係影圈最佳女新人。最近進軍樂壇出牒。
陳法拉 - 從未參演電影﹐ 會係處女作。演出家好月圓o既阿慶得到好多人認同。

謎團提示 #5:
朱璇﹕ 2008年華姐冠軍﹐將有份演出新劇《囧探查過界》。
苟芸慧: 今年華姐冠軍﹐ 未有演出經驗。
徐萌﹕ 2008年華姐季軍, 來自麻辣之鄉重慶。

到底邊個會跑出?? 我打算隔日問一次樂小姐…..


congeechen 发表于 2009-5-28 12:22:15


changbo 发表于 2009-5-28 12:22:29


falafan 发表于 2009-5-28 12:24:00


cusa2005 发表于 2009-5-28 12:52:34


支持FALA 发表于 2009-5-28 12:58:06


Kenwick 发表于 2009-5-28 13:02:36

Green's Comment:
1) 廖碧兒, 徐子珊已拍片, 而这个是给新面孔上的机会, 我觉得他们2 个可能性很低, 没需要。
2)朱璇, 苟芸慧, 徐萌太新。 新到我都不知她们是谁。 其实很配合“新面孔”的条件, 而Laughing 女友戏份不多,她们都可以, 但TVB极很冒险, 因为她们的演戏天份可能要锻炼,懂不懂粤语对白还是疑问, 那陈爽也OK啦, 为何不入表? 还有, 把您抬红了, 会不会去ATV或不听话?不红那更笑话, TVB 太不红,TVB不会胡乱冒险的。我会挑徐萌,反正是冒险, 我想剧的女角色是为演者订做 的, 什么例如华者commonly faced 的问题会不成问题。

3)那么, 法拉相对是最好的人选了, 法拉比朱璇, 苟芸慧, 徐萌平稳。但TVB会不会呢?举棋不定吧?
法拉有优点:拍完了上演时, 法拉的TV剧都可能播完或在播:共鸣效应,TV和电影都有法拉呢~!对电影有 promotion 的positive effect.

Shadow 发表于 2009-5-28 13:10:18

還以為法拉屬於三個華姐那邊呢...看起來, 法拉好像好有機會...

支持FALA 发表于 2009-5-28 13:11:24


qi928430916 发表于 2009-5-28 13:15:37

点都好  支持法拉

Shadow 发表于 2009-5-28 13:31:35

Green's Comment:
1) 廖碧兒, 徐子珊已拍片, 而这个是给新面孔上的机会, 我觉得他们2 个可能性很低, 没需要。
2)朱璇, 苟芸慧, 徐萌太新。 新到我都不知她们是谁。 其实很配合“新面孔”的条件, 而Laughin ...
Kenwick 发表于 2009-5-28 13:02 http://www.falachen.org/bbs/images/common/back.gif

很同意...那個女主角可是力捧對象 ,那些華姐(朱璇,苟芸慧,徐萌)太新了吧...
法拉那個level的花旦候選人又不多, 法拉又未曾拍電影 ('變種"公眾不知, 就不算了), 也很夠gimmick
電影電視一齊播, 就更有宣傳效果吧

falafan 发表于 2009-5-28 13:32:54


congeechen 发表于 2009-5-28 13:34:54



falafan 发表于 2009-5-28 13:38:40


congeechen 发表于 2009-5-28 13:40:05


3顆沙 发表于 2009-5-28 14:44:30


congeechen 发表于 2009-5-28 14:46:01


3顆沙 发表于 2009-5-28 14:49:20


changbo 发表于 2009-5-28 19:35:51

Stars at the "Laughing Gor" Film Premiere; Casts & Roles Revealed
Michael Tse depended on his role Laughing Gor in TVB series "E.U" to gain a burst in popularity from the whole city, he was immediately appreciated by his company and will be having his own film (LAUGHING GOR之蚂節), which is produced by the Shaw Brothers. Michael will be stepping into the Film industry once again and also bumping into "Chai Gau" from the recent popular series "Rosy Business", Wayne Lai. "Chai Gau" played by Wayne Lai had been a huge hit recently, therefore he's also been casted in the new film to "chase" after Laughing Gor. Great actors Anthony Wong and Francis Ng will also be part of the cast. Yesterday the cast had on their exaggerated costumes and did many gimmicks.

Laughing Gor's film outdoor garden premiere ceremony was held yesterday at TVB City in Tseung Kwan O. The director Herman Yau and the cast: Michael Tse, Anthony Wong, Francis Ng, Felix Wong, Wayne Lai, Tracy Ip, Kenny Wong and Johnson Lee, Shaw Brothers' Film director Wong Ka Hei, TVB Executive Virigina Lok, Film Producer Leung Ka Sue all attended. The female lead to play Mrs. Laughing has not been decided yet, once decided it will be announced.

The two popular figures Laughing Gor (Michael Tse) and Chai Gau (Wayne Lai) were arranged to be in the middle of the opening ceremony, but the two film kings Anthony and Francis were also very impressive where they all came in exaggerated costumes, they didn't start filming yet, but already started 'fighting'. Laughing Gor Michael Tse mentioned that the story will speak of a 9 year bitter story. He is very happy to be able to work with Anthony Wong, Francis Ng, guest star Eric Tsang as the big triad boss, Felix Wong and a classy production crew. As for himself, in order to accommodate with the character, his appearance will be more down-to-earth. Speaking of the salary that he will be earning? Michael said: "Need to ask Ms. Lok, she said that recently its following the TV series, but probably won't be any less than filming series."

Wayne said that its critical this time because last week he learned that there will be 7 or 8 groups making a guest performance, but working with such famous film kings, he is very happy that he is able to be part of it. He said: "I will be playing an upright good character, my personality is a rude Police Sergeant. My job is to be on top of gangs like Laughing Gor, Anthony Wong and Francis Ng. When I see one, I will be one."

Anthony Wong expressed that he'll be playing the leader of a Triad and will be against Francis Ng, he is also Laughing Gor's big boss. He will have 6 or 7 girlfriends, he is the gang version of Wai Siu Bo. In the film, Tracy Ip who plays a lawyer will be one of his girlfriends. Although Tracy is more than willing to play "hand-in-hand' scenes, but Anthony said that the script has no arrangements for those scenes. He has a guest performance and will appear in ripped up clothes, also will have different make-ups to accommodate the role. Francis feels that the film has different elements, so he doesn't mind giving up screen time for Laughing Gor, he laughed: "I suggested that the salary should give me in full, but don't need to give me the screen time in full. I need to go home and take care of my kids, but I still need to take out a month of my time for filming."
Laughing Gor Film Character Table

Michael Tse: Laughing Gor
Kicked out of Police Training School (PTS) and has been an undercover for 9 years.

Wayne Lai: Police Sergeant
He job focuses on arresting gangs. Is a very mean and rude officer.

Anthony Wong: Ah Yat (one of the Gang Leaders)
He's the gang version of Wai Siu bo. Has 6 or 7 girlfriends

Francis Ng: one of the Gang Leaders
Does not get along with Anthony Wong's gang. His younger sister is Laughing Gor's girlfriend. Is not fond of Laughing and purposely tries to make it difficult for him.

Eric Tsang: The big boss of the Triad
He is the big boss of the Triad. Anthony Wong and Francis Ng are under him and are working for him.

Kenny Wong: Anthony Wong's gang member

Johnson Lee: Francis Ng's gang member.
He is full of ideas. He actually has connections with Anthony Wong in private.

Felix Wong: Top Police Officer
Very uptight.

Tracy Ip: One of Anthony Wong's girlfriends
A Lawyer

Posted By:  aZnangel  @ Yesterday, 08:33 PM
Source: Mingpao
Translated by: aZnangel @ http://asianuniverse.net/forums/

wore116050362 发表于 2009-5-30 23:03:03

我认为~~ fala和子珊都不错~但是我听说~~已经定fala乐!1
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